// add this before event code to all pages where PII data postback is expected and appropriate ttq.identify({ "email": "", // string. The email of the customer if available. It must be hashed with SHA-256 on the client side. "phone_number": "", // string. The phone number of the customer if available. It must be hashed with SHA-256 on the client side. "external_id": "" // string. Any unique identifier, such as loyalty membership IDs, user IDs, and external cookie IDs.It must be hashed with SHA-256 on the client side. }); ttq.track('ViewContent', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('Search', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "", // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". "query": "" // string. The word or phrase used to search. Example: "SAVE10COUPON". }); ttq.track('ClickButton', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('SubmitForm', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". });
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vega365: Ein Glas voller Power!

DER Nährstoff-Boost für Deinen Körper.Einfach, effektiv, erstaunlich!

Stell Dir vor, Du trinkst jeden Morgen ein Glas und Dein Körper bekommt alle wichtigen Nährstoffe, die er für den Tag braucht. Klingt super, oder? Genau das bietet youtric® vega365.

Kein Stress, keine komplizierten Ernährungspläne – nur ein Glas pro Tag und Du bist bestens versorgt. Probiere es aus und erlebe, wie einfach Gesundheit sein kann!

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